The University of Teacher Education (UTE) of the canton of Vaud (HEP Vaud)

The University of Teacher Education (UTE) of the canton of Vaud (Haute école pédagogique Vaud, HEP Vaud) offers the full range of education services for teaching professions. At the heart of the powerful university network of Lake Geneva – which it both nurtures and benefits from – the HEP Vaud plays an important role in the Swiss education sciences research landscape. In a general context marked by the increasing complexity of social relations, the HEP Vaud prepares its students for the teaching profession and supports them in their development. In that respect, it offers them solid theoretical as well as practical training, thus optimising their integration into the professional world. Part of the swissuniversities network, the HEP Vaud develops strong cooperation links in the realms of both training and research with a number of academic institutions in Europe and throughout the world.
Striving for excellence, the HEP Vaud has three main objectives: to offer university-level education to future teachers as well as postgraduate education to teachers and all professionals in the world of education; to stimulate the field of research and development in education sciences, notably in the context of international research projects, and to offer a range of educational resources to teaching professionals.